The world is changing and so is our mood. This is why it is more important to understand how we are reacting to situations in our life as well as our business.

In today’s world of work, kindness is not a luxury, it is actually a necessity just to keep sane.

Kindness can begin or end with everyday interactions. We all make spur of the moment choices about how kind to be to those around us. In fact,  it’s those everyday choices that exert influence on corporate behavior—for better or worse.

Take amazon for instance or perhaps your local Cell phone provider. Have you ever had a complaint or an issue arise from the service you have been provided? You  call them that you didn’t get your package or your service just stinks! Have you noticed more lately that they were profusely apologetic?…. right?

The leadership practice that they have learned in their business is one of consideration, balance and satisfying their customers. They do this by being transparent with innovative potential productivity. Kindness enhances engagement of both employees and customers. Research also indicates that loyalty increases when employees have opportunities to demonstrate kindness in the workplace. … Because innovation rests on learning from failure, kindness is an important aspect of creating new ideas.

I came across a video that I just had to share. It’s about how Bill Gates got schooled by a vendor at the airport, by Darren Hardy

How do you check if you’re “being Kind” in your life, work or your business?  Ask  yourself, “who am I being kind to here?” If the answer is “me,” it might be time to a take a different approach and consider putting yourself in the other persons high heels.

So how can kindness work in your life and in your business? Are there any places where you need to rethink the way you are approaching others?
Go ahead and send me an email of your thoughts!