Sohaila’s Private Coaching and Mentoring Classes

It’s time to to take action now…or nothing will change!
Are you a dancer that studies belly dancing for fun, how about for fitness, or for performing? Are you a dancer from another art form, and want to add more to your dance repertoire? If you said yes to any of the above then you are definately in the right place!
I am so glad you are taking this opportunity to transform yourself and create some significant change in your dancing. I want to say congratulations! Why? Because you are taking action and actively pursuing a solution and that fact alone puts you way ahead of the curve.
I know from experience that given the opportunity to learn the right skills and strategies, along with a little encouragement, most people are capable of truly amazing things.
Once you get out of the rut and get motivated, you can quickly apply these new skills that you will learn to transform just about any aspect of your life. Yes, it’s true, when you dance, you fly away, when you fly away you can be anywhere you want to be and truly become alive all over again!
No matter where you are at in your dance, if you are a beginner, intermediate, advanced dancer or a dancer from another genre, coaching from Sohaila is for you! If that’s what you want, and you are ready, then let’s make amazing things happen…I can help you.
Have a look at my exclusive coaching rates and session packages below and see what resonates with you. If you have a goal or challenge that you would like to discuss, I am more than happy to talk about it with you. Just use the contact form toward the bottom of the page.

I only want to work with people like you that I can truly help — and who are ready for the kind of commitment and focus I demand from my students and clients.
My coaching sessions are not for everyone, they’re going to be intense at times, but rewarding and ultimately — a life-changing experience for you as a dancer and as a unique person that you are.
If it’s the right fit for you — thats great, I would be honored to have you as a client and student of mine. And if not, that’s okay too. I wish you always success and becoming the best dancer that you can be!
No program works unless you work. We know that if you do the work, you will achieve results in your business and your life. If you have taken classes from someone else in the past you will see that ALL teachers have different styles and how they teach. I am challenging you to open your mind set, stay focused and keep an open mind, and to become the dancer you’re meant to be.
So….What are you waiting for?
Sohaila teaches you how to bring the dancer to the dance through inspiration and guidance

Sohaila’s exclusive coaching sessions include:
- Undivided attention
- Learn things right the first time
- Nip bad dance habits in the bud
- “Feel” what it should be like when you dance with your teacher
- Learn just for you
- Use your sessions to get ready for a special event
- Learn at your own pace, instead of the pace of a group class
- You can work on dances or techniques YOU want and need, not strictly to group class syllabus
- Your learning curve is accelerated.
- One-on-one critique, that is safe and positive
- Step-by-step transformation coaching
Gets you started on bringing out the real you. Provides invaluable knowledge and insight to get you on the right track to becoming an Extraordinary dancer in no time. Sohaila creates a positive experience for you by adapting your wants and needs, this insures that you will get a solid foundation of Sohaila’s signature style belly dance and movements.
Investment of $300.00
“Gold“ package
Provides invaluable knowledge and insight to get you on the right track to becoming an Extraordinary dancer in no time. Sohaila creates a positive experience for you by adapting your wants and needs, this insures that you will get a solid foundation of Sohaila’s signature style belly dance and movements.
Investment per 5 coaching sessions: ($200.00 per class) $1,000.00
“Platinum“ package
The secret to completely reinventing your life successfully is to start with the person you are at your very core and work outwardly from there. This is why this dance is so important to incorporate. This guarantees that your new life becomes a meaningful and accurate reflection of your true self.
This is actually my specialty and the core reason why I’ve been able to work with so many amazing clients from all over the world. I know the process inside and out, and I can walk you progressively through each and every step.
- Are you ready to experience your life from a whole new perspective?
- Are you ready for a new, more meaningful and passionate life?
- Are you ready to feel more confident?
- Whether you have a burning question between sessions or just want to update me on your progress, you will have priority email access as long as we are working together. I am here to help and my coaching clients are a top priority. Included in this package:
- Powerful breakthrough strategy to create a realistic solution.
- Priority email support for the duration of your coaching.
- Complimentary copy of Sohaila’s new book entitled “Belly Dance” A Holistic Dance.
- 10 sessions dedicated to bring out beautiful dance movement from within, and re invent yourself with your five senses.
- bring out an important goal or life change
- no more making excuses, it’s time to make it happen.
- Let’s get you unstuck by creating positive realistic goals
- Session recordings available – Session recordings have some great advantages. They make it possible for you to watch your session again and take in things that you missed or want to go over again, this allows you to review our session at any time.
Investment per 10 coaching/mentoring sessions: ($175.00 per class) $1,750.00
We all go through tough times, feeling like our self confidence is low, but having someone who has been through it, and that holds out a hand to show you the way, is just a click away for you.
So click HERE to schedule a conversation and have a truly Sense-ual soul session where we will talk and help you overcome the challenges you are facing. We can talk about my program and if it’s a good fit for you. No pressure I promise! The purpose of this call is so that we can get acquainted and explore your challenge or goal. This is also a great way to make sure that you get the coaching package that is right for you and to confirm that we are comfortable working together before you spend any money.
Use this contact form to request your free consultation call or to discuss any coaching related questions or concerns you might have.
So click HERE to schedule a conversation and have a truly Sense-ual soul session consultation.
Get Started Now
I am truly looking forward to helping you breakthrough to a new level of personal or professional success. In the future, you will look back on this experience as one of the wisest and most rewarding decisions you have ever made.. . . Now it’s time to start getting results!
Perhaps you would like to schedule a strategy session with me to talk about your goals, needs and wants. Go ahead and click here and schedule a call with me. Looking forward to hearing from you.