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Give yourself the VIP Retreat Experience, because you’re worth it!
Next Retreat coming soon, I promise!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to enjoy a day centered on you, your needs, your wants…100% about YOU?
The SENSE-UAL WOMAN® Retreat is all that… a day designed for you to use your amazing senses to step into your feminine power and relax into your magnificence; to reignite your personal fire and reconnect to your sacred center. Said simply: It’s a day for you to play hooky from the responsibilities and everyday stress you’ve been tolerating and rediscover the woman that you know is hiding somewhere inside you!

Sohaila’s Way, developed by your hostess/presenter, internationally renowned dancer, Sohaila Zyba, is a program for women of all shapes, sizes and life paths.
Incorporating dance, the five senses, meditation, and personal guidance, Sohaila’s Way gently invites you to maximize your senses to reopen the recesses of your heart and mind which, in turn, open up the path to your innate feminine energy, allowing you to experience more joy, confidence, freedom, and bliss. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it?
The day is fast approaching for the “Senseual Woman Retreat” and it’s time to decide to give yourself the gift of reconnecting to your sacred center; unlocking those sacred places and finally allowing your soul to fly free again.
You deserve it.
It is time to celebrate YOU with some sacred “ME time”, and join the fun as Sohaila and friends gather in Escondido at her private oasis to play, learn, exercise, meditate, dance and even enjoy a gourmet lunch and making new friends.
This retreat is absolutely for you if:
- Something is clearly missing from your life, but you aren’t sure what it is.
- You are at all uncomfortable or uneasy about being sensual and feminine.
- You feel like you are sensual but nobody is recognizing that about you.
- Your life is so busy and hectic that you have no time to think about being feminine.
- You think you must suppress your femininity to present a strong image.
- The demands of others and daily life are smothering your passion.
- ‘Me time’ seldom makes it on your schedule.
What you can expect and what you will get:
- A life changing experience.
- A safe and friendly place to examine, experiment and rediscover YOU!
- Simple ‘take away’ tools to consciously focus your thoughts and energy and begin creating the life of your dreams.
- Coaching that leads you to define the life you want to be living, who you want to share it with and how to get there.
- The clarity, confidence and self love that attracts amazing people.
- The ability to create absolute joy with your body, mind and soul.
The Sense-ual Woman Retreat is held at the very private, secluded sanctuary of Sohaila’s studio in beautiful Escondido County in California.
The day starts at 10 am and ends at 2pm (may go a tad longer) with an hour Gourmet lunch.
By the end of the day you will walk away with a step by step authentically aligned plan of action for you and TWO 30- minute follow up phone sessions* to make sure you stay in action and in balance.